
        This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

European Strategies of Implementing ICT in teaching


General aims of this project:

? to encourage communication between all participants;
? to make foreign languages more fun;
? to use ICT when teaching;
? to develop students and teachers` creativity and imagination .


We aim at achieving our objectives by using as a basis the typical or even traditional games (that are suitable for our target age group) of the involved countries. Namely, these games will be the foundation on which all the work will be done in English in terms of designing teaching activities for foreign languages classes. At all times the computer and ICT will be an essential tool with the assistance of which both communication and work during the project is done. Moreover, ICT will prove a vital element to be utilized during foreign languages classes and this will be demonstrated with the help of all the model activities and the instructions to do these that will result from this project( they are to be found in the resulting products: DVDs, website, textbook) .

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